MEET US AT THE danceLab!

The Newest Trend in Adult Dance Learning – is at dance 101!

 Our danceLabs are intensive educational experiences designed for the busy, the motivated and the most dedicated.  Is that you?

Why take a danceLab?

Because who has the free time to spend years learning to master something? Especially, especially when you have access to programs like these?

danceLabs are specifically designed for those who did not study dance as a kid.

You missed out on some fundamental knowledge that we can’t teach you in a drop in class because they move too fast.  Here we slow things down, teach you what you missed and send you back into your weekly classes with a whole new level of understanding of what you’re doing! In a danceLab, attendance is limited to 10 people so we are able to give individualized attention – which is very helpful.

You can learn a lot just by taking classes, but in a danceLab your learning is greatly accelerated – because everything is explained.

Dance 101 dance instructor helping a student in one of the studios

But really… Why SHOULD you take a danceLab?:

Because it’s an amazing experience and you’re worth it. You deserve it. This is for you. For your growth, your wellness, your joy.  These are the same reasons you take classes with us every week.  But in a danceLab, it’s even more ‘you time’.

You get to be on the receiving end of a teacher that champions you directly.

 You will expand your mind and strengthen your body in new ways. And because you’ve made this commitment (even if it’s only 4 classes), you get to schedule other things around it so they don’t stop you from doing this for yourself.

Check out our danceLabs below. Follow our lead.  Let us do this for you.

danceLabs COMING IN 2025!

Dance Labs are speciality workshops that focus on a particular topic that is taught sequentially.

danceLab: Intro to Turns
NEW dates TBD

You can blink a few times, but what you are reading is real. There actually is a program that will teach you (and have you) turning in 4 classes and logically, dance 101 is the studio to offer it. Whether you are looking to audition soon and want to polish up, or you’ve been dancing for a bit and ready to master those elusive pirouettes, this workshop has been created for you.

Taught by veteran professional dancer, Grace Carter, in 4 sequential weeks she will teach you what you need to do and how to achieve clean, solid turns.

What might otherwise take several years, now can take weeks and months because of this workshop.


danceLab: Intro to Hip Hop with Grace
NEW dates TBD

Hip-hop dance is an art form that is welcoming and accessible to anyone! Linking together style, attitude, passion, musicality and athleticism plus the fusion of many different methods, cultures and influences, there’s a reason why hip-hop is so captivating to watch and fun to learn. If you catch yourself watching videos of dance crews, eyeing the back-up dancers in music videos, or you see people dancing at the club and think: “I wish I could move like that…” Get ready— because you CAN! In this 4 week danceLab, veteran professional dancer Grace Carter will give you the tools you need to feel confident and at ease in this dance style that isn’t going anywhere soon. You’ll be equipped with 4-5 different base moves that are the building blocks for a ton of different old school and new school moves and styles. You’ll be able to pull them out of your arsenal at the club, at weddings, in a freestyle circle, or in your next hip hop class— without overthinking it! By the end of this 4 week experience, not only will you be comfortable with the art of hip-hop but also more at ease and connected to yourSELF.

STYLE: Ballet Barre

danceLab: Intro to Ballet Barre with Lara
NEW dates TBD

Ballet first appeared during the Italian Renaissance in the 15th century -that’s over 700 years ago! Its terminology is in French and many of its exercises are done today the same as they were done centuries ago. 700 years is a long time to perfect a method and when you study Ballet, all of its history and wisdom gets passed onto you. Ballet makes dancers. No matter what kind of dancer you wish to be: Hip Hop, Contemporary, Jazz, Ballroom, Salsa…the very best dancers train in Ballet.

This one-of-a-kind 4 week workshop will give you the Why, What and How of Ballet and launch you on the fastest track in dance training: BALLET!

danceLab: Intro to Tap with Meghan
New dates TBD

New Month, New Adventure! Tap is a really fun dance style that can be quickly mastered when you start off with a fundamentals workshop like this.  No tap shoes, no problem! We have them for rent ($4) until you become so addicted you purchase your own. Tap training engages the mind, is a great cardio workout (when you get down some basic steps), and a fantastic stress buster – not to mention a truly entertaining art form.  Carve an hour out of your week to do this for yourself.

danceLab: Modern Dance
NEW dates TBD

Imagine being able to learn the nuts and bolts of one of the most popular forms of dance in the country in just under one month!  Well, here’s your opportunity!

Welcome to the Intro to Modern Workshop where you will find yourself soaring both physically and emotionally by tapping into a different kind of dance technique and the very building blocks of Contemporary dance. Explore your curiosities while learning how to find new lines, strike stunning poses, find your balance, and move with fluidity and exhilaration. Break down the components of the choreographic progress, pick combos up in a flash, and learn how to move in and out of the floor.

Transcend your worries while dancing to empowering music.

danceLab: Dancers’ Stretch
NEW dates TBD

Our Dancers’ Stretch class is a rare jewel.  Not often will you encounter a workout that applies the artistry of dance to the science of flexibility.  You’ve experienced the artistry: the graceful transitions, the releases, the beautiful arms, the moving stretches, the playlist.  But there’s so much more your body is experiencing!  Imagine how much more you will benefit when you expand your awareness to include every aspect of this experience.

“I was already sold on the benefits of Ofelia’s Dancers’ Stretch and Conditioning class, but the 4-week workshop took it to a whole new level. Breaking down each movement and understanding the intention, mindset and muscles that we are focusing on is a gamechanger. Your growth and flexibility, both in and out of class, will be supercharged by this workshop.  -Kara R.

Learn to “greet” the stretch and watch how your body responds.


danceLab: Jazz Turns (Beginner/Experienced Beginner)
NEW dates TBD

Let’s delve deeper into turns! Jazz turns, to be exact. Expand your knowledge of jazz vernacular and build upon the foundations of turning, adding a wider range of turns to your toolkit. This workshop is perfect for the beginner or experienced beginner dancer who wants to take their clean singles to solid doubles, to refine their technique moving across the floor, to execute consistently, and to go beyond being in their head while turning- instead, being able to layer in jazz style, texture and joy!

Great for graduates of our Intro to Turns and Intro to Jazz Workshops!

*photo credit: Lola Scott

danceLab: Leveling Up, A Hip Hop Workshop:
NEW dates TBD

You don’t have to be a professional to dance like one. What you do need is to gain a coveted inside look into how a professional polish is achieved. This workshop is going to give that to you. Imagine taking a microscope to the stylized movement of Hip Hop to uncover what exactly makes professional dancers move with such smooth control, power and confidence. Join one of dance 101’s most celebrated Hip Hop teachers, Jared “J-Roc, King of Hearts” James as he takes you “backstage” into the training room, teaching you the drills and coaching you on the skills to level up your dance game.

Perfect for dancers looking to polish their technique and command the dance floor or the stage with confidence.


danceLab: Intro to Hip Hop/Pop Fundamentals
NEW dates TBD

Here’s another fast track workshop experience! This workshop teaches the fundamentals of commercial style hip hop / Pop choreography as seen in music videos and backing touring artists. Join Khalil Johnson as he takes you on a deep dive behind the curtain and teaches you the skills, tricks and insider knowledge that distinguishes professional from amateur dancers. This workshop is presented at a beginner level to capture the basics that are often overlooked (or assume you already know) in Beginner to Intermediate level Hip Hop classes. This exceptional training is designed to instill confidence in your own personal movement style and in yourself. At the very least, you’ll increase the enjoyment of the classes you take!

danceLab: Intro to Ballet Barre
NEW dates TBD

Why should you take this workshop?  Well, considering that ballet barre training’s sole objective is to make dancers (in all dance styles), let’s start here. If there is a particular dance style you’d like to master quickly, the barre will get you there the fastest. Not kidding. You should be running to your next barre class!


A woman performing Jazz dance

danceLab: Intro to Jazz
NEW dates TBD

“Jazz is hard to define because it’s constantly changing and growing. But that means a jazz dancer can easily do all types of dance.” —Sean Cheesman

It’s true— being a dancer trained in jazz,  puts you in a category that defies all definitions. There’s street jazz, Latin jazz, pop jazz, contemporary, broadway jazz, hip-hop— and at the root of it all? Classic jazz technique!