When dance 101 opened in April 2004, ‘Our Story’ was the story of its founder – a remarkable story about a woman who had a dream and the courage to make it happen.

From our humble beginnings in a small one room studio on Miami Circle in Atlanta, dance 101 began as a long shot, an experiment that would come to surprise everyone. There was no other dance studio like this anywhere. Would people understand the concept? Would they come? But before long, word of mouth traveled quickly. Classes began to fill to capacity and a year and a half later, in 2006, dance 101 busted out of that tiny studio!

Welcome to dance 101. Front desk of the dance studio.

Pioneering a concept is no small thing.  The road at times has been scary and uncertain. We made many mistakes along the way, but also achieved many successes. A lot has happened in our 20 year history but throughout the journey, one thing has remained constant… And that is the experience of those who come and dance here.

No one can better explain what dance 101 is than those who spend a good amount of time here.

What follows are a few of their stories.


Age started dancing: 38

After quite a bit of research I decided Dance 101 would be the place for me to start. The first six months were so difficult I often tried to find reasons not to continue, but with people like Erin, Grace, Ofelia, Paulina and Khalil and the support they provide with just who they are as people made it where I am able to see this thing through

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Age started dancing: 34

From a young age, I have always responded to music. My sister used to joke that I could be a Ricky Martin backup dancer (mind you, she was clearly exaggerating, and this was back in third grade when I was still at public school). Most of my education after that point took place in conservative Christian schools where dancing was not encouraged. I went to a few of my cousin’s recitals and she tried to teach me some of their choreo, but the “5-6-7-8” stuff always confused me. So I just went on dancing in my room by myself for a couple decades.

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Profession: Technology Solutions Architect
Age started dancing: 36

Dancing has been a magical journey of growth and self-discovery for me. For a long time I’d get teased about my attempts to dance. The words dance and Dennis often found their way into a punch line.

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dance 101 Instructor since 2016
Classes: Ballet Fundamentals, Pure Ballet and Pointe

I think my background makes me particularly suited to teaching adults. Because I was not a naturally gifted, specially molded dancer, I grew up spending a lot of time figuring out how to move functionally with what I do have.

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I had long since put dance behind me (something I did quite a lot in my younger years). In fact, I put so much of “Ann” on the backburner that I felt I lost my identity. For the majority of my adult life, I was attempting to live up to someone else’s expectations and ‘exist’ in another’s dreams – which ultimately led to a long and unhappy marriage. Feeling inadequate, desperate, empty, and not me, I ended up in therapy.

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My name is Seth and I am a 42-year-old straight, white male from the South who makes money writing software. Am I even allowed to learn dance? I’ve always thought of myself as clumsy and uncoordinated. I was the kid in P.E. thinking: ‘Okay, you want me to run AND catch the ball? Can I pick one or the other?’ I was the smart kid in school, not the cool kid. I was the adult at a wedding reception sporting the same three dance moves I’ve used since high school…after a few drinks.

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Current Profession: Recovering Executive In the Process of Becoming… 🙂
Age: 55
Started dancing at 52

Every year during the holidays, I use some down time to ponder the year ahead, crafting goals, new habits, and experiences I want to have. Part of that process is to ask myself, “what would I do if I were unafraid?” The answer to that has led me in some interesting directions in the past. But what showed up for me on that day in 2019 would blow up most of everything about my life that had me feeling stuck and unfulfilled. It was a simple idea that packed a heck of a punch: I would learn to dance.

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Profession: Physician Consultant and Advisor
Age: 64
Started dancing at 55

I hate gyms. Honestly, I hate to exercise. It’s boring – for me at least. I’ve never been an athlete, never did sports when I was in school. After graduating college, I went to Med school and got a medical degree. There is no question that agility, balance, strength, and movement are the key to a longer and healthier life. As a physician, I’ve known this for years, but for most of my life I just couldn’t find any kind of anything – sport, fitness, yoga class that held my interest for very long. Never would I have imagined regularly attending a dance studio starting at age 55 and enjoying every class.

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Profession: Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Started dancing at 42

No matter what was on my mind, I had to completely be present each time in class and give it my all. The result was endorphins to the sky, a huge smile so wide I can’t believe I fit through the door on my way out. Next I know, I become the one recommending dance 101 to all my friends.

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Profession Store Manager
Age: 34
Started Dancing at 27

A few years ago, I had a desire to book gigs with Corporate Party Bands. I had great interest in becoming a performer and wanted to further my education. It was suggested I take dance classes because it could increase performance opportunities for me. When I found Dance 101, I immediately began taking classes. I had never studied dance prior to 101 and never really thought I would be interested in dancing. I occasionally had picked up a book here and there on ballroom, but never really gave it much thought. Which, looking back now, seems really remarkable to me.

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dance 101 instructor since 2005
Classes: Video Pop, Pop Jazz, Turns & Leaps

While my career as a professional dancer is behind me, I approach teaching with the same passion and dedication. Building something special feeds me. Creating choreography, teaching steps, and watching the entire process from beginning to end is thrilling to me. The community at 101 has given me so much.

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