In many ways we’re similar to other dance studios you’ve attended:

  • Our teaching faculty is top notch, comprised of a combination of retired dance professionals and professionals actively gigging.  All with one thing in common: our teachers are givers. They champion their students regardless of what level they are and why they’re in class.
  • You’ll need to register and create an account, purchase classes (check out our New Student Special 3 classes for $60) and sign into class before you head over. We do not accept walk ins.
  • We offer drop ins for $28. We have 4, 10, 20 and 40 class packages that discount classes and 3, 5, 10 and 15 class memberships.
  • We are open 7 days a week and offer around 70 classes per week.
  • Park in the parking deck and bring your ticket in with you for a 3 hour complimentary validation.

And where we are most different from other studios is how we label class levels. While we use terms like Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, etc.  how we define these levels is unique to us.

Please keep this in mind:

All Levels: is a follow along class where the teacher is leading and doing the movement with the class.  All Levels does NOT mean easy or that it’s for everyone. It only means it’s follow along.

Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, etc is not a statement about your level of experience.  Rather, it’s a statement about the PACE and technical elements in the class:

  • Beginner: 5-6 eight counts choreography+ possible turn drills and marking
  • Experienced Beginner: moves a little bit faster with 6-8 eight counts choreography+ single rotation turns, simple leaps and possible floor work
  • Intermediate: faster still with 8-10 eight counts choreography + double rotation turns, leaps and floor work (If Hip Hop, expect fast footwork and formations). At this pace, you are expected to already have a good bit of knowledge and experience.

When choosing a class and level, it’s helpful to consider what you’re looking for.  Beginner and Experienced Beginner are teaching classes so if you’re looking to brush up on rusty skills or break into a new dance genre, this is the level you should start.  If you’re looking for practice (and some instruction) to keep your skills sharp, Intermediate is a good move.

Last but not least, our front desk is very knowledgeable!  You can text us 404-545-8048 or email us at customerservice@dance101.org.  Ask your questions!  We want to make sure your first class is a great experience and can guide you through the schedule!

Happy Dancing! We look forward to meeting you!



Select a class package or Membership that works best for your budget and then go to our schedule to register for class(es)!


Already picked out your first class? Click “Sign Up” next to the class name on the schedule and follow the next steps to create your account and purchase classes!


3 hour free parking in parking garage. Bring your ticket into studio for validation.