Dance 101’s Human Capital Wellness & Empowerment Programs…

Are a series of employee empowerment programs which use curated movement to achieve positive outcomes relating to Team Building, Work Culture, Problem Solving, Stress Management and Physical Fitness.

Our innovative Wellness & Empowerment Programs assume participants have no formal dance training. Their purpose is not to teach dance, but rather to use dance to teach. And we make it fun! 

Research shows that engaging in dance is not only great physical exercise, but also improves the mind’s neuroplasticity. With dance, we exercise the mind as well as the body, directly impacting cognitive function (like problem solving) and memory formation (sharpening concentration and focus), and that’s not all!  People who dance together, grow together. Barriers breakdown.  Teams bond.  Trust increases, as does empathy.  Dance is joyful. It breaks the ice among strangers. That’s a lot of good things all wrapped up into one experience!

There are many great Employee Wellness programs, courses and adventures out there. It’s time for dance to make an appearance. There’s just so much here to offer.  Give us a call or send us an email if you’re curious about what we can create for your company, your clients or your team.

Why Dance 101?

Dance 101 has been teaching movement to adults since 2004, when it pioneered a new kind of dance studio which specialized in teaching adults who did not have the opportunity to study dance as children. The studio began as an experiment which later grew to be ranked 4th on a list of top ten dance studios in the nation by Billboard Magazine in 2017. A disruptor in the dance world, Dance 101 is the first studio of its kind to exist, creating a new industry by offering classical dance instruction to adults as never done before. Our success stems from the talent of our formidable faculty, our innovative teaching methods and from a leadership mentality that explores the application of dance in new ways- without sacrificing its wisdom, its classical traditions and its artistry.


1. Team Bonding: Deepen the bond between co-workers by doing something fun together that nullifies workplace hierarchies. Dance is the great equalizer! Here we create a choreographed Hip Hop performance incorporating formations and easy to learn steps that require trust, cooperation and teamwork to execute. Synchronized dancing with others also enables people to feel closer to each other, fostering friendship.

2. Team Work: What can Chicago, West Side Story or Wicked teach us about team work?  Participants follow directions that require conncentration while  simultaneously moving in sync with others.  This is an ultimate Team Builder!  Everyone must work together – doing their part while also supporting the group as a whole. Here we teach a re-created Musical Theater number from a popular Broadway show.  You choose which Musical best suits your group – or if not sure, we can make suggestions! We know them all!

3. Interpersonal Communication: Flex your cognitive super powers. Connect more deeply with others through non-verbal cues. Around 55% of communication is considered nonverbal, with the majority of that being attributed to body language. Medium: Contemporary dance.  Participants Explore communication through body language, physical expression and creative “dialog”.  This is a great exercise for your sales team!

4. Escape the Stress: Stop the world, I need a break. Get out of your head and into your heart and body. Disconnect with the stress of life and reconnect with some of its beauty. Here we focus on engaging the mind while incorporating big beautiful movement. This involves concentration – which interrupts pervasive thoughts (worry, anxiety, stress) from the mind and redirects awareness to the present moment.  This type of dance movement is incredibly evocative.  It’s like taking a mini vacation from the stress of life.

5. Ultimate Team Building: Show off what your team can do at your next company wide meeting – Put On A Show! Here we create a customized performance piece for your department that is fun and entertaining. Co-workers will be impressed and your team will be celebrated!

6. Dance Fitness Classes: Our dance fitness classes are a great deal of fun AND a fantastic cardio workout. Get fit, get strong and burn off some steam. Choose your dance genre: Hip Hop, Commercial POP, Salsa Allstars, 70’s Motown or maybe even Disco! You tell us! We’ll create it for you!


  • Most programs are held at dance 101 studios, onsite classes may be available
  • Program attire is comfortable clothing or workout wear (no dresses, please), sneakers with socks.
  • Program pricing available upon request
  • Contact Grace at, call/text Ofelia at 404-663-2850 or fill out the form below


“Dancing may be better than other exercise for improving mental health”
“Dancing and the Brain”
“The role of dance and movement therapy in enhancing employee wellness”
“How dancing helps your mental health”

Contact us!