

An Intro to Dance Steps Workshop

Offered every Sunday 12:30-1:30pm starting August 4th!

The mastery of dance has a lot to do with your enjoyment of its pursuit–the more you know going in, the greater the enjoyment of the process–and the more you enjoy, the faster it becomes a part of you. Blow past the initial introductory phase and go straight to the good stuff.  What a great idea!

This 4 class workshop (offered monthly) is designed to build your confidence in the study of Hip Hop, Jazz and Contemporary movement by teaching you the characteristic and universal steps that define each of these genres.

Whereas each of our other workshops is a crash course in understanding one specific dance style, this workshop focuses exclusively on building your choreographic vocabulary in three popular styles.  Imagine how many doors this training will open for you!

Check out the syllabus below for details!

Graduates of this workshop will be inspired to jump into our Intro to Hip Hop, Welcome to Jazz and Intro to Contemporary classes with confidence and skill.


Class 1:  How to understand, learn and remember choreography. Introduction of the 9 Universal Steps that are found in ALL styles of dance. Taught by Ofelia de La Valette

Class 2: Hip Hop: Here you will learn and practice the top ten most popular (and repeated) Hip Hop moves including Top rock, Slides, the 2 step, Body rolls and Body rocks, Kick ball changes, Box step, Happy feet and The dougie! Be the envy at your next social event.

Class 3: Jazz: Now we’re getting into some showmanship! Here you learn the Chasse, the Lindy, Jazz passe and walk, Jazz arms and hands, Pas du Bourree, Saute passe, jete/leap, Chaine turns and Battement front and side.  You’ll be on your way to becoming bi-dance-lingual with all the french dance terms you’re going to learn in this class.

Class 4: Contemporary: Big movement with all the feels. Here you will learn to Contract/release, Hinge, the famous Flat back, Laterals, Spirals, Ailey walks, Fast walks, Prances, Sways, Drop swings and Down/Up rolls.

Classes 2, 3 & 4 are taught by Grace Carter.


  • Sundays 12:30-1:30pm
  • 4 class workshop: $190
  • Preferable to take all 4 classes in a row, but not required.
  • If you miss a class, catch it again in 4 weeks.  This workshop has no beginning or end. Just keeps going!

Workshop is limited to 10 participants. Enroll now to reserve your spot! No refunds for missed dates. Class cards/Membership do not apply.